Recoge y vete

Out on:


Quitandome lo malo

Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor

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Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor are all about making you dance and their debut album proves that they are in business. The first line of the opening song sums it up: “Ven, que quiero darte lo mejor de mi y conquistar toda tu alma. Que cantes, que bailes, que goces conmigo hasta mañana”.  Recoge y vete is packed with hits from start to finish, and it is a dancer’s dream. Of the eleven songs on the CD, ten will fill the dance floor. Only the last song on the CD, which is timba romantica, is unlikely to throw dancers into a frenzy.

While some timba groups today seem to be doubting their own music and trying to reach audiences by looking outside the Cuban musical tradition, performing timbaton or songs with a more pan-Caribbean sound, with the popularity of  Recoge y vete, Salsa Mayor has proved that audiences are still hungry for 100% classic Cuban timba.

With the exception of Pablo Milanes’, the compositions and arrangements are all by Maykel and feature a charanga format with violin and flute as well as trombone and trumpet. Both Esto esta and Recoge y vete include great flute solos. Maykel’s appreciation of traditional Cuban music is reflected in his arrangements. But being a product of the timba generation and having a background as a percussionist before switching to piano, the songs are packed with hot bloques, funky bass, played by Arnaldo Jimenez, and tumbaos that hook the listener.


Release: Recoge y Vete

Recoge y vete

Out on:


Quitandome lo malo

Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor

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Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor El nuevo Cd todos es acerca de hacerte bailar y su álbum de debut lo demuestra. La primera línea de la canción de apertura lo resume así: “Ven, que quiero darte lo mejor de mi y conquistar Toda tu alma Que cantes, bailes Que, Que goces conmigo hasta mañana.”. Recoge y vete está repleto de éxitos de principio a fin, y es el sueño de un bailarín. De las once canciones del CD, diez llenará la pista de baile. Sólo la última canción del CD, que es timba romantica, es poco probable que tirar bailarines en un frenesí.

Mientras que algunos grupos de timba de hoy parecen estar dudando de su propia música y tratando de llegar a un público mirando fuera de la tradición musical cubana, realizando timbaton o canciones con un sonido más pancaribeña, Salsa Mayor ha demostrado que todavía la audiencia tiene hambre de un 100% timba cubana clásica.

Con la excepción de Pablo Milanés, las composiciones y arreglos son todos por Maykel y cuentan con un formato de charanga con el violín y la flauta, así como el trombón y la trompeta. Esto esta Y Recoge y vete incluyen grandes solos de flauta. apreciación de la música tradicional cubana que Maykel refleja en sus arreglos. Pero al ser un producto de la generación de la timba y que tiene un fondo como percusionista antes de cambiar al piano, las canciones están llenas de bloques calientes, bajo funky, interpretado por Arnaldo Jiménez, y tumbaos que se enganchan al oyente.


Release: Recoge y Vete

Recoge y vete

Out on:


Quitandome lo malo

Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor

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Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor are all about making you dance and their debut album proves that they are in business. The first line of the opening song sums it up: “Ven, que quiero darte lo mejor de mi y conquistar toda tu alma. Que cantes, que bailes, que goces conmigo hasta mañana”.  Recoge y vete is packed with hits from start to finish, and it is a dancer’s dream. Of the eleven songs on the CD, ten will fill the dance floor. Only the last song on the CD, which is timba romantica, is unlikely to throw dancers into a frenzy.

While some timba groups today seem to be doubting their own music and trying to reach audiences by looking outside the Cuban musical tradition, performing timbaton or songs with a more pan-Caribbean sound, with the popularity of  Recoge y vete, Salsa Mayor has proved that audiences are still hungry for 100% classic Cuban timba.

With the exception of Pablo Milanes’, the compositions and arrangements are all by Maykel and feature a charanga format with violin and flute as well as trombone and trumpet. Both Esto esta and Recoge y vete include great flute solos. Maykel’s appreciation of traditional Cuban music is reflected in his arrangements. But being a product of the timba generation and having a background as a percussionist before switching to piano, the songs are packed with hot bloques, funky bass, played by Arnaldo Jimenez, and tumbaos that hook the listener.


Release: Recoge y Vete

Recoge y vete

Out on:


Quitandome lo malo

Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor

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Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor are all about making you dance and their debut album proves that they are in business. The first line of the opening song sums it up: “Ven, que quiero darte lo mejor de mi y conquistar toda tu alma. Que cantes, que bailes, que goces conmigo hasta mañana”.  Recoge y vete is packed with hits from start to finish, and it is a dancer’s dream. Of the eleven songs on the CD, ten will fill the dance floor. Only the last song on the CD, which is timba romantica, is unlikely to throw dancers into a frenzy.

While some timba groups today seem to be doubting their own music and trying to reach audiences by looking outside the Cuban musical tradition, performing timbaton or songs with a more pan-Caribbean sound, with the popularity of  Recoge y vete, Salsa Mayor has proved that audiences are still hungry for 100% classic Cuban timba.

With the exception of Pablo Milanes’, the compositions and arrangements are all by Maykel and feature a charanga format with violin and flute as well as trombone and trumpet. Both Esto esta and Recoge y vete include great flute solos. Maykel’s appreciation of traditional Cuban music is reflected in his arrangements. But being a product of the timba generation and having a background as a percussionist before switching to piano, the songs are packed with hot bloques, funky bass, played by Arnaldo Jimenez, and tumbaos that hook the listener.


Release: Recoge y Vete

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